Papers, Chapters, and Reviews (see also my PhilPapers or Google Scholar profiles for more up to date entries)
"Imagining What You Intend" (forthcoming) Philosophy and the Mind Sciences. (PDF)
"On the Ambiguity of Images and Particularity of Imaginings" (2023) Topoi. (PDF)
"Thought Insertion as a Persecutory Delusion" (2023) in Intruders in the Mind: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Thought Insertion, Eds. Lopez-Silva & McClelland. Oxford University Press. (PDF)
"Inner Speech" (with Daniel Gregory) (2023) Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (LINK).
“Measuring Inner Speech Objectively and Subjectively” (2023) (with Julianne Alexander (1st Author) and Brie Stark), Aphasiology, (PDF)
"A Context-Sensitive and Non-Linguistic Approach to Abstract Concepts" (2022) (with Charles P. Davis) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. (PDF)
"Propping up the Causal Theory" (2022) Synthese. (PDF)
"Remembering and Imagining: The Attitudinal Continuity" (2022) in Philosophical Perspectives on Memory and Imagination, Berninger & Vendrell Ferran, eds. (Routledge) (PDF)
"Remembering, Imagining, and Memory Traces: Toward a Continuist Causal Theory" (2022) in Current Controversies in Philosophy of Memory, McCarroll, Michaelian, and Sant'Anna, eds. (Routledge). (PDF)
"Assessing Abstract Thought and its Relation to Language with a New Nonverbal Paradigm: Evidence from Aphasia" with F. Faries, M. Gatyas, A. Dietz, and M.J. Richardson (2021) Cognition. (PDF)
Book Review: Aaron Zimmerman's Belief: A Pragmatic Picture. in The Philosophical Review (2021) (PDF)
"What Sort of Imagining Might Remembering Be?" (2021) Journal of the American Philosophical Association. (PDF)
"Introduction" to Inner Speech: New Voices (2018, Oxford University Press). (With Agustin Vicente) (PDF)
"Metacognitive deficits in categorization tasks in a population with impaired inner speech," Acta Psychologica (2017), 181: 62-74. (with Gauker, C., Richardson, M.J., Dietz, A., and Faries, F.). (PDF)
"From Introspection to Essence: The Auditory Nature of Inner Speech," in Inner Speech, Langland-Hassan & Vicente, Eds., Oxford University Press (forthcoming). (PDF).
“Imaginative Attitudes,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2015) 90, 3: 665-686. doi: 10.1111/phpr.12115. (PDF)
"Pain and Incorrigibility" The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Pain (forthcoming), J. Corns, Ed. (PDF) "Self-Knowledge and Imagination" Philosophical Explorations (2015) 18, 2: 226-245 (PDF)
"Hearing a voice as one's own: two views of inner speech self-monitoring deficits in schizophrenia" Review of Philosophy and Psychology (2015) doi 10.1007/s13164-015-0250-7 (PDF)
“On Choosing What to Imagine,” in Knowledge Through Imagination, A. Kind & P. Kung, eds, OUP (forthcoming). (PDF). “Introspective Misidentification,” Philosophical Studies (2015) 172: 1737-1758. (PDF)
"Inner speech deficits in people with aphasia," Frontiers in Psychology (2015)6: 528. (with Faries, F., Richardson, M. & Dietz, A.). (PDF)
"Improvisation and the self-organization of multiple musical bodies," Frontiers in Psychology (2015) 6: 313. (with Walton, A., Richardson, M. & Chemero, A.). (PDF)
“Unwitting Self-Awareness?” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2014) 89, 3: 719-726. (PDF)
“Inner Speech and Metacognition: In Search of a Connection,” Mind & Language (2014) 29, 5: 511-533. (PDF)
“What it is to Pretend,” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (2014) 95, 3: 397-420. doi: 10.1111/papq.12037. (PDF)
“Pretense, Imagination, and Belief: the Single Attitude Theory,” Philosophical Studies 159 (2012): 155-179. (PDF)
“A Puzzle about Visualization,” Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10 (2011): 145-173. (PDF)
“Fractured Phenomenologies: Inner Speech, Thought Insertion, and the Puzzle of Extraneity,” Mind and Language, 23 (2008): 369-401. (PDF)